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dimanche 11 septembre 2011

Tribute to September 11

A special thought for the direct and indirect victims of September 11. We’ll never forget.

French will never forget
A French civic group is set to honor the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks with a ten-story model of the Twin Towers directly across from the Eiffel Tower.
The association, The French Will Never Forget, was founded by Paul Bensabat, Jean-Pierre Heim, Christian Millet and Patrick du Tertre. They wanted to organize events to emphasize the gratitude of the French people towards the United States. Since its creation, the association has maintained an active events calendar and has been involved in the awarding of the Legion of Honor.
The message of the project will be: “Never forget about the catastrophe in 2001 and the sacrifices of Americans made in World War II to help the liberation of France.” The position of the Eiffel Tower behind the World Trade Center Towers emphasizes the friendship between France and the United States. One of the towers will list all the names of the victims, while the other tower will list sympathetic messages posted on Facebook by French citizens demonstrating their support.

L'association «The French will never forget», créée par des entrepreneurs français ou d'origine française installés aux États-Unis, a financé à Paris, place du Trocadéro, la mise en place de deux répliques de 25 mètres de haut des tours jumelles, qui seront inaugurées demain. Plusieurs concerts sont également prévus, avec des jeux de lumière en direction de la Tour Eiffel. L'archevêque de Paris, Monseigneur Vingt-Trois, célébrera par ailleurs une messe à Notre-Dame. les deux plus grands drapeaux américains et français du monde seront déployés à 14 h 15. La cérémonie sera lancée à 14 h 46, heure française du premier impact

Trocadero PARIS.

I love this pic very much.
A regular event on Omaha Beach, the French association spells out the words "FRANCE WILL NEVER FORGET" with people who come from far and wide.
In June 2007 almost 4,000 people attended the event.

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